Turnover in industry decreased by 2.4 per cent in August 2024

Release related to topics:Enterprises
release | Index of turnover in industry 2024, August

According to Statistics Finland, working day adjusted turnover in industry (TOL BCD) decreased by 2.4 per cent in August 2024 from August 2023.

Key selections

  • Turnover decreased in August 2024 most in the industry of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply, by 26.8 per cent from one year ago.
  • Turnover grew in August in the forest industry and in the metal industry.
  • Seasonally adjusted turnover in industry decreased by 1.6 per cent in August from the month before.

Turnover increased in several main industries

Turnover grew in several main industries in August. Turnover grew most in the electronic and electrical industry, where turnover was 13.9 per cent higher than one year earlier. Turnover in the forest industry went up by 6.7 per cent and in the metal industry by 3.5 per cent from one year ago. The turnover decreased most in electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply, by 26.8 per cent from one year back. In the chemical industry, turnover was 8.8 per cent lower than one year previously.

Export turnover increased in several main industries

Export turnover grew most strongly in the electrical and electronics industry, by 17.2 per cent from twelve months earlier. Export turnover also grew in the forest industry (6.4%), the food industry (3.7%) and the metal industry (2.7%). Export turnover decreased most in the textile industry (-9.1%) and the chemical industry (-8.1%).

In August, domestic turnover decreased most in the chemical industry, by 9.7 per cent from one year back. Domestic turnover decreased in the electrical and electronics industry by 8.7 per cent from one year previously. Domestic turnover in the textile industry went down by 2.8 per cent and in the metal industry by 1.6 per cent from one year ago. Domestic turnover increased most in the forest industry (7.5%) and in mining and quarrying (7.4%).

Turnover decreased in August from the previous month

Seasonally adjusted turnover in industry decreased by 1.6 per cent in August 2024 compared to July. In July, turnover grew by 0.6 per cent from the previous month. In June, seasonally adjusted turnover remained almost on level with the previous month.


See key statistical data in the tables.

Annual change of working-day adjusted turnover in industries of manufacturing, % (TOL 2008)

Data revisions

See key statistical data in the tables.

Revisions to annual changes in the working-day adjusted turnover in main industries of manufacturing

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Updated database tables
Classifications used:
  • Industry
  • Variable
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Classifications used:
  • Industry
  • Variable
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Classifications used:
  • Industry
  • Variable
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half year
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Classifications used:
  • Industry
  • Variable
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Classifications used:
  • Industry
  • Variable
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Referencing instructions

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Index of turnover in industry [online publication].
Reference period: 2024, August. ISSN=1798-596X. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [Referenced: 16.10.2024].
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Statistical experts

Inquiries primarily

Jussi Haavisto
Senior Statistician
029 551 3341

Other experts

Heli Suonio
029 551 2481

Head of Department in charge

Katri Kaaja
Head of Department in charge
029 551 3488