Travel in Finland and same-day trips to neighbouring countries increased in autumn 2024
Release related to topics:Transport and tourismCulture, media and time use
release | Finnish travel 2024, 3rd four months of the yearAccording to Statistics Finland, around 7.0 million domestic leisure trips with overnight stay were made in September to December 2024, which is nearly one fifth more than in autumn 2023. The number of leisure trips abroad with overnight stay remained on level with the previous year and was around 1.9 million in autumn 2024.
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Key selections
- Altogether 2.3 million leisure trips abroad were made in autumn (September to December) 2024, when trips with overnight stay in the destination country and same-day trips and cruises are included.
- The total number of leisure trips abroad increased slightly from the previous autumn, because the popularity of same-day trips and cruises to Estonia and Sweden increased.
- The number of domestic leisure trips was higher than in the previous autumn. The number of leisure trips with free accommodation grew by one fifth to 5.2 million.
- The popularity of trips with free accommodation was visible as an increase in the number of overnight stays at friends and relatives.
- The number of business trips with overnight stay decreased both in Finland and abroad.
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Classifications used:
- Trip direction
- Trip purpose
- Accommodation
- Trip duration
- Season
- Transport
Reference period cycle:
Updating frequency:
three times a year
Classifications used:
- Season
- Accommodation
- Trip's destination region
Reference period cycle:
Updating frequency:
three times a year
Classifications used:
- Type of trip abroad
- Trip purpose
- Area of destination
- Season
Reference period cycle:
Updating frequency:
three times a year
Classifications used:
- Season
- Accommodation
- Trip's destination municipality
Reference period cycle:
Updating frequency:
three times a year
Classifications used:
- Season
- Trip direction
- Trip purpose
- Trip duration
Reference period cycle:
Updating frequency:
three times a year
Future releases
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Description of the production, used methods and quality of the statistics.
Go to documentation of the statisticsReferencing instructions
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Finnish travel [online publication].
Reference period: 2024, 3rd four months of the year. ISSN=1798-9027. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [Referenced: 10.3.2025].
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