Quarterly national accounts: Database tables corrected

Date of correction:

Release: quarterly national accounts 2024, 2nd quarter, 30.8.2024

Corrected database table, identifier and name

Description of the correction

Data were corrected in database tables concerning the following transactions in 2022Q1 to 2024Q2:

“D1K Compensation of employees, expenditure”, “D1R Compensation of employees, income”, “D4R Property income, income”, “D4K Property income, expenditure”, “D1_D4K Primary income paid to the rest of the world”, “D1_D4R Primary income received from the rest of the world”, “D5_D7K Current transfers to the rest of the world”, “D5_D7R Current transfers from the rest of the world”, “B1GMH Gross domestic product at market prices”, “B5G Gross national income (GNI)”, “B5N Net national income”, “B6N Disposal income, net” and “SUPP Total supply”.

The error concerned volume data (reference year 2015) but did not impact working day adjusted or seasonally adjusted GDP data.

The error was corrected at 1:00 pm.

Further information

Samu Hakala
Senior Statistician
029 551 3756