Structural business and financial statement statistics: documentation of statistics
Basic data of the statistics
Data description
Statistical population
Statistical unit
Legal units include:
- persons carrying on a business, trade or profession in their own name, or in the name of a registered firm
- legal persons (such as limited liability company, limited partnership, general partnership, cooperative, savings bank and economic association)
- market-based enterprises.
Unit of measure
Base period
Reference period
Reference area
Sector coverage
Time coverage
Frequency of dissemination
Accumulation of appropriations total
Appropriations total
Assets covering technical provision
Assets total
Business ID (Identity code)
The Business ID consists of seven numbers, a hyphen and a control number.
Change in the provision for outstanding claims
Change in the provision for unearned premiums
Claims incurred
Claims paid
Co-operative society
Corporation subject to taxation
Current assets total
Depreciation, amortisation and impairment losses total
Derivative instruments
Direct insurance
Earned premium
Financial income: Financial income comprises income from shares and participations and other investments in fixed assets, as well as other interest and financial income.
Enterprise corresponds to legal unit, if the legal unit is not part of an enterprise group. Otherwise, the enterprise is an enterprise group or part of one.
The definition of enterprise is based on the EU regulation concerning statistical units (EEC) 696/93.
An enterprise may comprise one or more legal units (Business ID). If an enterprise comprises more than one legal unit, transactions between the units have been eliminated.
The definition of enterprise is based on the EU regulation concerning statistical units (EEC) 696/93.
Enterprise Group Register
Enterprise group
Cf. group of enterprises.
Equalisation provision
Equity total
External services
Extraordinary expenses
The items of extraordinary income and expenses were discontinued in the amendment of the Accounting Act in 2016, but part of enterprises still report some figures in these items. For this reason, the items have not been removed from the statistics.
Extraordinary income
The items of extraordinary income and expenses were discontinued in the amendment of the Accounting Act in 2016, but part of enterprises still report some figures in these items. For this reason, the items have not been removed from the statistics.
Financial assets total
Financial expenses
Fixed assets total
Funds also belong to this category of legal form.
Gains from sales of fixed assets and mergers
General partnership
Group contributions paid
Group contributions received
Imputed salary adjustment
Income before extraordinary items
Income tax
Increase/decrease in inventory of finished products
Interest expenses
The interest expenses item includes, e.g. interests, penalty interests, and loan arrangement and other commissions that are determined based on the passing of time and the amount of capital; the share of issue losses from issued loans belonging to the financial year and the share of commissions paid on received loans belonging to the financial year excluding any compensation on direct administrative costs related to the granting of the loan.
Other enterprises:
Interest payable refers to items determined by the loan amount, interest rate and loan period arising from the use of debt capital.
Interest income
The interest income items includes, for example,
- Interests and interest subsidies, penalty interests, and loan arrangement and other commissions that are determined based on the passing of time and the amount of capital
-The proportion of the difference between the nominal value and acquisition price of receivables acquired below or under the nominal value belonging to the financial year
- Difference between the repurchase price and purchase price of securities and other commodities bought with repurchase agreements during the validity of the agreement.
- Interest-like income related to derivative contracts.
Fees comparable to interest, such as the marginal interest rate, are allocated as interest income during the term of the loan.
Other enterprises:
Interest income consists of interest receivable on deposits and loans receivable and other receivables. Interest income includes the interest separately charged to the buyer in hire-purchase, but the hire-purchase surcharge is included in turnover.
Materials and supplies refer to the commodities which have been acquired for the purpose of manufacturing current assets by a party obliged to keep books and engaged in manufacturing or service provision. These commodities include the raw materials and materials and auxiliary substances used in the production of goods or services.
Work in progress refers to commodities intended for sale or for use in service production, whose manufacturing process is not finished at the time of the closing of the accounts (semi-finished goods).
Finished goods refer to self manufactured commodities that can be assigned, sold or used in service production. Goods refer to commodities from external suppliers that are intended for sale or for use in service production as they are.
Other current assets refer to commodities bought or manufactured for the purpose of selling them as such or after further processing which are not included in the above mentioned current assets items. Other current assets may include, among others, lots or other property intended for sale which have been transferred from fixed assets to current assets.
Advance payments refer to purchase prices or parts thereof paid to the supplier of current assets commodities before receiving the commodities.
Legal form
Statistics Finland's classification of legal forms is based on this system and on the Tax Administration's coding of legal forms. Some of the Tax Administration's categories have been combined in Statistics Finland's classification.
Legal unit
Legal units are, for example, limited companies, private practitioners of trade, co-operative societies, state-owned companies and foundations.
Liabilities total
Limited partnership
Losses from sales of fixed assets and mergers
Mutual interest bodies
Natural person
This group includes own-account workers, sole proprietors, most agricultural and forestry entrepreneurs, as well as practitioners of trade.
Net result
Non-profit institution
Number of employees
Labour input for self-employed persons is calculated as the input the owner of an enterprise or his/her family member makes into the enterprise without actual remuneration.
For enterprises not included in the surveys of the Register of Enterprises and Establishments numbers of employees are estimated from data on wages and salaries.
Operating income total
Other assets
Other operating expenses (excl. sales losses from fixed assets and merger losses)
Other operating income (excl. gains from sales of fixed assets and mergers)
Personnel expenses
Personnel expenses comprise wages and salaries subject to withholding of tax and comparable expenses, as well as expenses determined direct based on wage or salary, such as social security contributions, statutory and voluntary personal insurance contributions and pension expenses.
Other voluntary personnel expenses come under other operating expenses.
Premium income
Profit and loss account
The profit and loss account and balance sheet of investment firms and credit institutions are presented in accordance with financial statements for financial activities.
The profit and loss account and balance sheet of non-life and life insurance companies are presented in accordance with the financial statements of insurance companies.
Provision for outstanding claims
Provision for unearned premiums
Assumed reinsurance refers to insurance business received by an insurance company from another insurance company. Ceded reinsurance, which is visible in the profit and loss account as reinsurers’ shares, refers to the share of insurance business transferred to another insurance company.
Result for the financial period
Statutory reserves total
Subordinated loan
Technical provisions
Total result
Turnover includes income from the sale of products and services, less granted discounts, VAT and other taxes based directly on sales volume. (Accounting Act 4:1)
The turnover of enterprises engaged in financial and insurance activities (TOL K) was calculated depending on the industry with the following formulas, in case it was not directly available from the enterprise's financial statements:
The turnover of industry 6411 Central banking was calculated as the sum of operating expenses and net expenses from fees and payments.
The turnover of industries 6419 Other monetary intermediation and 649 Other financial service activities, except insurance and pension funding was calculated with the formula Interest receivable and similar income - Interest payable and similar charges + Commissions receivable + Income from shares and other variable-yield securities + Net profit or net loss on financial operations.
The turnover of industry 651 Insurance is defined as gross premiums earned.
The turnover of industry 653 Pension funding is defined as total pension contributions.
The turnover of industry 66 Activities auxiliary to financial services and insurance activities was calculated with the formula Interest receivable and similar income - Interest payable and similar charges + Commissions receivable + Income from shares and other variable-yield securities + Net profit or net loss on financial operations.
Type of ownership
Private domestic
Region of Åland
Other type of ownership.
Unit-linked insurances
Value added
Formula to calculate value added:
+ change in inventory of finished products
+ production for own use
+ other operating income
- purchases of materials and supplies
+ change in merchandise inventories
- external services
- other operating expenses
In addition, deliveries for use in the enterprise's other establishments and purchases from the enterprise's other establishments are added to the value added of establishments.
The value added of enterprises engaged in financial and insurance activities (TOL K) was calculated depending on the industry with the following formulas, in case the enterprise used the financial statement formulas of financial and insurance activities:
The value added of industry 6411 Central banking is calculated as the sum of operating expenses and net expenses from fees and payments from which administrative costs and banknote acquisition costs have been subtracted.
The turnover of industries 6419 Other monetary intermediation and 649 Other financial service activities, except insurance and pension funding was calculated with the formula Interest receivable and similar income - Interest payable and similar charges + Commissions receivable + Income from shares and other variable-yield securities + Net profit or net loss on financial operations - Other administrative costs - Commissions payable - Other operating expenses.
The value added of industry 65 Insurance was calculated as the sum of income from insurance activities (incl. change in provision for unearned premiums) and income from investment activities less expenses from investment activities, insurance costs and operating expenses.
The turnover of industry 66 Activities auxiliary to financial services and insurance activities was calculated with the formula Interest receivable and similar income - Interest payable and similar charges + Commissions receivable + Income from shares and other variable-yield securities + Net profit or net loss on financial operations - Other administrative costs - Commissions payable - Other operating expenses.
Voluntary association
Wages and salaries sum
Total wages and salaries and indirect employee costs entered in the profit and loss account are presented in the financial statements. More detailed information about personnel expenses in financial statement data can be found here:
Accuracy, reliability and timeliness
Overall accuracy
Comparability - geographical
Comparability - over time
Coherence - cross domain
Coherence - internal
Source data and data collections
Source data
Finnish Tax Administration registers
Business start and end data, home municipality, preliminary industry of new enterprises, and wages and salaries are obtained from the Finnish Tax Administration registers. The register data are supplied to Statistics Finland once a month.
Business tax data of the Finnish Tax Administration
The business tax data contain profit and loss account and balance sheet data, as well as data on investments in fixed assets. The data are supplied on main tax forms 4, 5, 6A, 6B, 6C and 6U and on appendix forms 7A, 7M and 62. The forms contain data on enterprises that have been liable to pay taxes in the year in question. The business tax data are supplied to Statistics Finland on previously agreed dates. There are approximately ten data deliveries each year.
Statistics Finland’s own data collections
Each year, Statistics Finland carries out structural business inquiries to collect data on multi-establishment enterprises with at least five employees and single-establishment enterprises with at least 20 employees. For enterprises with fewer than 20 employees, inquiries are sent to units whose data have changed on the basis of administrative registers, commercial data or other surveys of Statistics Finland. New enterprises are usually included in the inquiries among new enterprises soon after they have started operations. The number of wage and salary earners, industry and addresses are obtained through separate inquiries. The number of wage and salary earners in enterprises not included in the surveys is estimated.
Each year, Statistics Finland collects data from approximately 5,000 enterprises by means of a financial statements inquiry (TILKES). All enterprises with more than 50 employees or a balance sheet of more than EUR 300 million are included in the financial statements inquiry. Enterprises employing between 10 and 50 persons are selected for the inquiry by means of random sampling. A small number of enterprises with fewer than ten employees and all market-based municipal enterprises are also included in the inquiry. The purpose of the inquiry is to collect data that are more detailed than the figures included in the enterprises’ official financial statements. The inquiry covers specific turnover and cost data, investment data and other additional data on financial statements.
Data collection
Frequency of data collection
Data compilation
The quality of the Finnish Tax Administration data are verified programmatically. The data are revised automatically by means of mass editing and imputing. Values missing from the data are primarily replaced with data for earlier years and secondarily with data on enterprises in the same category in terms of turnover and number of personnel. Errors and outliers are corrected logically by means of editing or by removing outliers. Minor turnover errors (less than five per cent) are scaled. Two different imputation methods are in use. Donor imputation is used when the enterprise is included in the statistical frame but no data are available in the material provided by the Finnish Tax Administration. In such cases, the data are obtained from enterprises of similar size operating in the same industry. The second method is used when no tax data on the enterprise can be obtained for the statistical year in question but the data for the previous year are available. In such cases, the data are imputed by using changes in turnover in the periodic tax data as weighting coefficient.
Own inquiry
Sample responses are processed manually with the business tax data for each enterprise separately, using the image archive of the Finnish Patent and Registration Office. Checking of the additional data on financial statements is guided by internal production application rules. Using approved data as a basis, industry-specific coefficients are calculated for turnover specifications and expenditure specifications. The coefficients are used to produce corresponding data for the entire group of enterprises. All enterprises in the random sample that have received only a small number of penalty points are approved en masse. Some of them are returned to manual checking.
Data validation
Principles and outlines
Contact organisation
Contact organisation unit
Legal acts and other agreements
- Act and Decree (1336/1997) and the Act amending the Accounting Act (1376/2016)
- of the European Parliament and of the Council (EC) No 295/2008 concerning structural business statistics, which is the key regulation guiding the compilation of annual business statistics.
- Regulation (EEC) No 696/93 on statistical units is applied to the statistics on business activities.
- on industrial classifications; Standard Industrial Classification 2008 is based on the European Union’s common industrial classification (NACE Rev. 2), which has been supplemented for national needs on the 5-digit level.
- on business registers 177/2008.
Confidentiality - policy
Confidentiality - data treatment
Release policy
Data sharing
Accessibility and clarity
Statistical data are published as database tables in the StatFin database. The database is the primary publishing site of data, and new data are updated first there. When releasing statistical data, existing database tables can be updated with new data or completely new database tables can be published.
In addition to statistical data published in the StatFin database, a release on the key data is usually published in the web service. If the release contains data concerning several reference periods (e.g. monthly and annual data), a review bringing together these data is published in the web service. Database tables updated at the time of publication are listed both in the release and in the review. In some cases, statistical data can also be published as mere database releases in the StatFin database. No release or review is published in connection with these database releases.
Releases and database tables are published in three languages, in Finnish, Swedish and English. The language versions of releases may have more limited content than in Finnish.
Information about changes in the publication schedules of releases and database tables and about corrections are given as change releases in the web service.
Data revision - policy
Revisions – i.e. improvements in the accuracy of statistical data already published – are a normal feature of statistical production and result in improved quality of statistics. The principle is that statistical data are based on the best available data and information concerning the statistical phenomenon. On the other hand, the revisions are communicated as transparently as possible in advance. Advance communication ensures that the users can prepare for the data revisions.
The reason why data in statistical releases become revised is often caused by the data becoming supplemented. Then the new, revised statistical figure is based on a wider information basis and describes the phenomenon more accurately than before.
Revisions of statistical data may also be caused by the calculation method used, such as annual benchmarking or updating of weight structures. Changes of base years and used classifications may also cause revisions to data.
Lisäksi suhdannetilastoihin tarvittaessa tämä lisäys:
Seasonally adjusted data in statistics on economic trends become revised because of the calculation method used. Additional information on a new time series observation is exploited in model-based calculation methods and this is reflected as changes in previous releases. Revisions of the latest figures to be seasonally adjusted are elaborated on in the releases and quality reports of statistics.
A summary table of the revisions that have taken place is also published in connection with key statistics on economic trends and some annual statistics. The table shows how the data for the statistical reference periods have changed between the first and the most recent statistical release.
Quality assessment
Quality assurance
Quality management requires comprehensive guidance of activities. The quality management framework of the field of statistics is the European Statistics Code of Practice (CoP). The quality criteria of Official Statistics of Finland are compatible with the European Statistics Code of Practice.
Further information: Quality management | Statistics Finland (
User access
No data are disclosed before the release date. The data are transmitted to Eurostat on agreed dates.