Energy consumption

These statistics on total consumption of energy describe the commensurate total consumption of domestic energy sources and imported energy in Finland. Total consumption of energy describes fuels used in the production and processing of energy, and energy used in direct, final consumption. Final consumption of energy, in turn, measures the consumption of finished energy products, that is, electricity and heat, and fuels used for space heating of buildings, transport and industrial processes. The difference between total consumption and final consumption depicts energy conversion and transmission losses.

Detailed tables of the discontinued statistics are available in the StatFin archive database

The archive contains the database tables that we no longer update.

Future releases


Description of the production, used methods and quality of the statistics.

Go to documentation of the statistics

Referencing instructions

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Energy consumption [online publication].
ISSN=1798-6869. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [Referenced: 16.10.2024].
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