Agriculture, forestry and fishery
Statistics under the topic
- Agricultural and horticultural labour force
- Aquaculture
- Commercial fellings
- Commercial inland fishery
- Commercial marine fishery
- Crop production statistics
- Economic accounts for agriculture (EAA)
- Egg production
- Energy consumption of agriculture and horticulture
- Fish processing
- Flows of wood material
- Foreign trade in agri-food products
- Foreign trade in fish
- Foreign trade in roundwood and forest industry products
- Forest protection
- Forestry as an investment
- Horticultural statistics
- Hunting
- Index of producer prices of agricultural products
- Index of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production
- Meat production
- Milk and milkproducts statistics
- Number of livestock
- Operating profit in non-industrial private forestry
- Other entrepreneurship in agriculture and horticulture
- Producer prices for fish
- Producer prices of agricultural products
- Recreational fishing
- Roundwood removals and drain
- Silvicultural and forest improvement work
- Statistics on cereals and protein and oilseed purchased, used and stockpiled
- Statistics on the finances of agricultural and forestry enterprises
- Structure in agriculture and horticulture businesses
- Stumpage earnings
- Use of crops on farms
- Utilised agricultural area
- Volumes and prices in industrial roundwood trade
- Wood consumption