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Published: 28 May 2014

Number of adoptions from abroad decreased in 2013

According to Statistics Finland, there were 459 adoptions in Finland in 2013. The figure was seven lower than in the year before. The number of domestic adoptions rose slightly. They numbered 292, thirty higher than one year earlier.

Adoptions in 1987–2013

Adoptions in 1987–2013
Law of registered partnerships was changed in 2009.

Of all persons adopted in Finland in 2013, 222 were girls and 232 boys. Most of the adopted were small children. In all, 269 of the adopted were aged under five. Ninety-four were over the age of 18. Children adopted from abroad were rarely over the age of ten. In domestic adoptions, 87 were aged over 18. The number of internal adoptions within families of registered same-sex partnerships grew by ten and numbered 101 last year.

During 2013, adoptions of children born abroad to Finland numbered 167. The number was 41 lower than in 2012. The largest groups in the adoptions from abroad to Finland were children born in China and South Africa. Adoptions of children born in China numbered 45 and those of children born in South Africa 33. The majority of children adopted from China were boys. The third largest group in the adoptions from abroad was children born in Russia, of whom 19 were adopted. In 2012, most children adopted from abroad were also born in China.

Four-fifths of the adoptions from abroad were made by two parents. Good one-third of the adoptions of children born in Finland were made by two parents, when account is not taken of internal adoptions within families of registered same-sex partnerships. The adoptive father and mother were most typically aged 40 to 44 in adoptions from abroad by two parents.

Source: Population and Cause of Death Statistics. Statistics Finland

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Updated 28.5.2014

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Adoptions [e-publication].
ISSN=1797-738X. 2013. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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