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Published: 23 August 2018

Number of adoptions rose in 2017

According to Statistics Finland, there were 396 adoptions in Finland in 2017. The number of domestic adoptions was 292 and that of international adoptions 104. In 2017, the number of adoptions was 41 higher than in 2016, when the number of adoptions was lower than in earlier years. More adoptions were made from abroad than in the previous year, while the number of domestic adoptions remained on level with 2016.

Adoptions in 1991 to 2017

Adoptions in 1991 to 2017

Majority of adopted children aged under 10

In total, 189 were girls and 207 boys of all persons adopted in Finland in 2017. Of adoptions, 92 were persons aged 18 or over, and most of these were domestic adoptions. In over one-half of international adoptions the adopted child was aged under five.

Most adoptions from South Africa

The largest groups in the adoptions from abroad to Finland were children born in South Africa (21). The next most adoptions were made from Thailand (18 children) and China (14 children). Nearly two-thirds of children adopted from abroad were boys. South Africa, Thailand and China have been the most common countries of adoptions in the previous years as well.

Adoptive parents most typically aged 40 to 44

Seven out of ten international adoptions were adoptions by two parents. 14 per cent of domestic adoptions were adoptions of two parents. Both the adoptive father and mother were most typically aged 40 to 44 in international adoptions by two parents.

Two thirds of adoptions within families

Thirty-five per cent of adoptions (139) were adoptions from outside families and 65 per cent (257) were adoptions within families. Adoption within families refers to the process by which a married spouse or the other partner of a registered partnership adopts his/her spouse's biological child. Sixty-five of adoptions within families were in families of registered partnerships.

Source: Population and Justice Statistics. Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Katariina Heikkilä 029 551 3638, Miina Keski-Petäjä 029 551 3240,

Director in charge: Jari Tarkoma

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Updated 23.8.2018

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Adoptions [e-publication].
ISSN=1797-738X. 2017. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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