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Published: 10 April 2013

Women complete more than 60 per cent of polytechnic degrees

According to Statistics Finland, 23,900 polytechnic degrees were attained in 2012 of which 1,700 were higher polytechnic degrees. Their number was 4.4 per cent higher than in the year before. Sixty-three per cent of the qualifiers were women.

Completed polytechnic degrees by gender from 2005 to 2012

Completed polytechnic degrees by gender from 2005 to 2012

Most degrees were attained in the female dominated field of social services, health and sports, 34 per cent. The second most degrees were attained in the field of technology, communications and transport, 24 per cent and in the field of social sciences, business and administration, 21 per cent. The percentage share of other fields of education was under 10 per cent.

Completed polytechnic degrees by fields of education in 2012

Completed polytechnic degrees by fields of education in 2012

The highest number of degrees was attained at Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, 2,510 and the least at the Police College of Finland, 21. More detailed information on degrees attained at polytechnics, for instance by region of education and polytechnic, can be found in the appendix tables .

Source: Education, Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Anna Loukkola 09 1734 3678,

Director in charge: Riitta Harala

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Updated 10.4.2013

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): University of applied sciences education [e-publication].
ISSN=2489-3196. 2012. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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