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Published: 18 June 2008

Total energy consumption decreased by 6 per cent in the first quarter of 2008

According to Statistics Finland's preliminary data, in the first quarter of 2008 total consumption of primary energy amounted to 390,000 terajoules, which was six per cent less than in the corresponding quarter of 2007. Consumption of electricity amounted to 25 terawatt hours (TWh), which was three per cent down from the year before. Total consumption of primary energy was decreased by the increased amount of imported electricity and hydro power in electricity supply as well as warmer weather than in the year before. Carbon dioxide emissions from the production and use of energy amounted to some 15 million tonnes and declined by 15 per cent when compared with the emissions of the first quarter of 2007.

The consumption of coal decreased by 33 per cent (coal includes here hard coal, coke, blast furnace gas, and coke oven gas). Consumption of peat declined by 11 and that of oil by 9 per cent from the year before. By contrast, consumption of natural gas increased by 3 per cent. Consumption of wood fuels stayed nearly on level with the previous year. Net imports of electricity increased by 28 per cent and production of hydro power by 13 per cent. A favourable water situation in Sweden and Norway enabled the increase in electricity imports. Both the net imports of electricity and the production of hydro power were at their highest for the past five years. The start of the second emissions trading period weakened the competitive position of fossil fuels and peat when compared with energy sources that do not cause carbon dioxide emissions.

Total energy consumption, petajoule (1 petajoule = 1,000 terajoule)

Sources: Energy supply, consumption and prices 2008, 1st quarter. Statistics Finland

Data are also published in the Energy Review 2/2008 of the Ministry of Employment and the Economy.

Inquiries: Mr Saku Slioor +358 9 1734 2685,

Director in charge: Ms Kaija Hovi


Appendix tables


Last updated 18.6.2008

Referencing instructions:

Statistics: Energy supply, consumption and prices [e-publication].
ISSN=1798-338X. 1st quarter 2008. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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