2. Those employed in cultural occupations as their main job according to employment statistics
Employment statistics are annual statistics providing data by region on the population’s economic activity and employment. The population for the statistics is the permanently resident population in the country on the last day of the year. Employment statistics contain information on employment relationships insured by the employer, based on which employment and unemployment are deduced. The population for the statistics is the permanently resident population in the country on the last day of the year. The number of employed persons in the employment statistics differs from the figures of the Labour Force Survey due to its view of inspection. The advantage is that the employment statistics cover the total population and thus also detailed information can be provided. The data can be combined from registers only afterwards, for which reason the results are not as up-to-date as those of the Labour Force Survey. In addition, as the statistics are register-based, some uncertainty arises particularly when describing the field of culture.
In this survey, more detailed data are examined relative to gender, employer sector and level of education and the main emphasis is on the development of employment in individual occupations. The tables examined can be found in the tables in databases for cultural statistics at: http://pxweb2.stat.fi/database/StatFin/klt/klt/klt_en.asp . They are called as follows: Employed labour force in cultural occupations in 2000 - 2009, Employed labour force in cultural occupations by level of education in 2009, Employed labour force in cultural occupations by employer sector in 2009.
The first table presents the labour force employed in the field of culture by occupation and gender from 2000 to 2009. The employment statistics also indicate that employment in cultural occupations has grown faster than the average number of employed persons from 2000 to 2009, by nearly six per cent. In this percentage, change in the number of occupational group printing technicians (31192) is not taken into account, because from 2005 it has not been possible to deduce it in the employment statistics from occupational group 3119, which is physical and engineering science technicians.
The share of those employed in artistic occupations has grown considerably also according to the employment statistics. In 2000, it was 11,678 and 15,100 in 2009.
Employment among actors has gone up by 33 per cent and that among sculptors, painters and related artists by 35.9 per cent. The number of choreographers and dancers went up by over 50 per cent and that of stage and film directors by more than 60 per cent. The average number of those working as night-club and related musicians was 33 per cent higher in 2009 than in 2000.
Employment in cultural administration and museum, archive and library work has stayed nearly unchanged, although major changes have occurred in individual occupations. The number of library and filing clerks has dropped by over 30 per cent. For example, the number of cultural services managers has gone up a great deal, by over 50 per cent.
Nearly 40 per cent of those working in cultural occupations had upper secondary level qualifications, 15.3 per cent lowest level tertiary qualifications, 20 per cent lower tertiary degrees and nearly one quarter higher tertiary degrees (Appendix figure 1).
Of employer sectors, nearly 65 per cent of all employed persons work in the private sector. The second highest number, over 14 per cent work in the local government sector (Appendix figure 1).
Source: Cultural statistics 2010, Statistics Finland
Inquiries: Kaisa Weckström 09 1734 2348, kulttuuri.tilastokeskus@stat.fi
Director in charge: Riitta Harala
Updated 16.8.2012
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF):
Culture [e-publication].
ISSN=2341-7404. Cultural Employment in Finland 2010,
2. Those employed in cultural occupations as their main job according to employment statistics
. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 10.3.2025].
Access method: http://stat.fi/til/klt/2010/01/klt_2010_01_2012-08-16_kat_002_en.html