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Appendix table 3. International investment position by sector, quarterly 2017, EUR million

2016/Q1 2016/Q2 2016/Q3 2016/Q4 2017/Q1
Assets S1 Total economy 752 991 737 971 738 313 693 682 637 415
S11 Non-financial corporations 149 542 142 405 142 046 144 171 146 513
S121 Central bank 71 167 72 186 83 781 49 124 91 852
S122 Other monetary financial institutions 256 691 245 930 225 070 204 392 89 867
S123 Money market funds (MMF) 2 397 2 451 2 459 2 509 2 539
S124 Collective investment schemes excl. money market funds 65 950 66 854 70 668 72 856 76 977
S125+S126+S127 Other financial intermediaries financial auxiliaries and captive financial institutions and money lenders 24 614 25 200 27 666 29 226 31 546
S128+S129 Insurance corporations and pension funds 27 750 28 111 28 770 28 624 31 993
S1311 Central government 20 787 16 346 15 832 14 887 14 948
S1313 Local government 526 536 548 562 502
S1314 Social security funds 121 527 126 091 128 771 133 730 135 708
S14+S15 Households and non-profit institutions serving households 12 041 11 863 12 702 13 601 14 969
Liabilities S1 Total economy 752 668 726 211 730 934 678 377 623 986
S11 Non-financial corporations 198 310 186 609 193 363 192 168 202 778
S121 Central bank 11 639 11 921 12 242 12 346 12 217
S122 Other monetary financial institutions 365 365 358 548 353 998 299 340 233 968
S123 Money market funds (MMF) 72 36 56 43 39
S124 Collective investment schemes excl. money market funds 18 791 19 137 20 510 21 069 24 484
S125+S126+S127 Other financial intermediaries financial auxiliaries and captive financial institutions and money lenders 36 837 36 731 37 554 38 876 40 486
S128+S129 Insurance corporations and pension funds 1 012 792 852 919 1 310
S1311 Central government 113 226 104 931 105 195 106 569 101 551
S1313 Local government 2 976 2 968 2 955 3 064 3 203
S1314 Social security funds 3 357 3 484 3 156 2 929 3 951
S14+S15 Households and non-profit institutions serving households 1 084 1 055 1 055 1 055 -
Net S1 Total economy 324 11 760 7 379 15 305 13 429
S11 Non-financial corporations -48 767 -44 204 -51 318 -47 996 -56 265
S121 Central bank 59 527 60 265 71 539 36 777 79 635
S122 Other monetary financial institutions -108 673 -112 618 -128 928 -94 948 -144 101
S123 Money market funds (MMF) 2 325 2 415 2 403 2 466 2 500
S124 Collective investment schemes excl. money market funds 47 159 47 717 50 159 51 787 52 493
S125+S126+S127 Other financial intermediaries financial auxiliaries and captive financial institutions and money lenders -12 223 -11 531 -9 888 -9 650 -8 940
S128+S129 Insurance corporations and pension funds 26 738 27 319 27 919 27 706 30 684
S1311 Central government -92 440 -88 586 -89 363 -91 682 -86 603
S1313 Local government -2 450 -2 432 -2 407 -2 502 -2 700
S1314 Social security funds 118 170 122 607 125 615 130 802 131 758
S14+S15 Households and non-profit institutions serving households 10 957 10 808 11 647 12 546 14 969
1) The statistics become final more than two years after the end of the reference year.

Source: Balance of payments and international investment position, Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Tapio Kuusisto 029 551 3318, Saana Ranta-Ruona 029 551 3375,

Director in charge: Ville Vertanen

Updated 21.6.2017

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Balance of payments and international investment position [e-publication].
ISSN=2342-348X. 1st quarter 2017, Appendix table 3. International investment position by sector, quarterly 2017, EUR million . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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