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Appendix table 6. Families by citizenship of spouses/parents on December 31, 2012

Corrected on 18 December 2013. The corrections are indicated in red.
Citizenship of wife/mother Total Citizenship of man/father Other or unknown Family without a father
Finland Russia Estonia Thailand China Sweden Somalia Iraq Vietnam India
All families 1 465 733 1 273 070 5 970 6 370 127 1 150 2 798 647 1 056 530 988 23 884 149 143
Finland 1 383 965 1 221 017 1 510 1 162 66 178 2 338 172 425 193 197 15 023 141 684
Russia 9 956 3 884 4 130 228 - 1 11 - 4 1 7 333 1 357
Estonia 9 953 2 646 128 4 634 - 3 12 - 7 - 5 343 2 175
Thailand 4 027 3 649 1 5 54 - 2 - 2 2 1 32 279
China 1 967 857 5 7 - 920 4 1 - 6 4 69 94
Sweden 1 925 1 310 - 1 - 2 309 1 7 2 - 35 258
Somalia 1 260 209 1 1 - 1 3 427 2 - 1 19 596
Iraq 1 048 270 - - - - - 2 547 - - 18 211
Vietnam 928 421 3 1 1 3 3 - - 299 3 16 178
India 909 128 - - - 1 5 - 1 - 737 11 26
Other or unknown 19 081 8 764 109 196 4 26 43 4 42 2 27 7 579 2 285
Family without a mother 30 714 29 915 83 135 2 15 68 40 19 25 6 406 -

Source: Population and Cause of Death Statistics, Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Marjut Pietiläinen 09 1734 2798, Timo Nikander 09 1734 3250,

Director in charge: Riitta Harala

Updated 13.1.2014

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Families [e-publication].
ISSN=1798-3231. Annual Review 2012, Appendix table 6. Families by citizenship of spouses/parents on December 31, 2012 . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 16.10.2024].
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