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Revised industrial classification TOL 2008 to be introduced in the Volume Index of Industrial Output in March 2009

A revised industrial classification, TOL 2008, will be introduced in Finnish statistics in 2009. General information about the transition is given on the TOL 2008 pages of the Statistics section of Statistics Finland's website. The Classifications pages of the Metadata section of the website contain more detailed information about TOL 2008, such as its contents and classification principles.

The revised classification will be introduced in March 2009 when publishing the Volume Index of Industrial Output describing January 2009. The data of the statistics in the database services will also be published according to TOL 2008, and data according to TOL 2002 will no longer be published. The previously published data according to TOL 2002 will remain available on the home page of the statistics and in the database services. The base year of the statistics will be changed in connection with the transition to the new classification, with 2005 as the new base year.

Changes in the industries of the Volume Index of Industrial Output arising from the transition to TOL 2008

Under the new industrial classification the four main industries previously published in the Volume Index of industrial Output will be replaced by five main industries.

The main industries under TOL 2002 are

CDE Total industry

C Mining and quarrying

D Manufacturing

E Electricity, gas and water supply

The main industries under TOL 2008 are

BCDE Total industry

B Mining and quarrying

C Manufacturing

D Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply

E Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities

The most significant change is the new industry E Water supply; sewage, waste management and remediation activities which has no correspondent in TOL 2002. This new section will include activities not only from manufacturing but also from TOL 2002 services and construction. The coverages of the other main industries roughly correspond to those of the old main industries, but the groupings of activities at the more detailed level have been changed in parts. Some activities have been moved from manufacturing to services (among others publishing and repair of certain consumer goods).

Further information about the impact of the classification revision on statistics describing the Volume Index of Industrial Output

The levels of TOL 2008 by which data on the Volume Index of Industrial Output will be published are described on the home page of the statistics. Retrospective data starting from 1995 will be published from all series by the new industrial classification.

The effects of the new industrial classification on service industries have also been discussed in the Fokus section of Industry Review 2/2008 (In Finnish only).

Last updated 26.9.2008

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Volume index of industrial output [e-publication].
ISSN=1798-9272. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 10.3.2025].
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