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10.1 Employees by industry (TOL 2002) 2008/IV - 2007/IV

  Year/Quarter Change
2008/IV 2008/III 2007/IV 2008/IV - 2007/IV
1000 persons 1000 persons 1000 persons Per cent (%)
Industry TOL 2002        
All industries 01-99 2 177 2 241 2 182 -0,2
A,B Agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing 01-05 36 38 32 11,6
Agriculture, hunting and fishing 01, 05 19 21 16 19,0
Forestry 02 17 17 17 4,6
C-E Manufacturing; electricity, gas and water supply; mining and quarrying 10-41 418 445 436 -4,1
Consumer goods industries 15-19 42 49 45 -6,4
Manufacture of forest industry products and furniture 20-21, 361 60 66 67 -11,3
Publishing, printing and reproduction of recorded media 22 30 30 30 -1,7
Metal etc. industries 10-14, 27-35, 37 217 230 219 -0,7
Other manufacturing 23-26, 362-366, 40-41 69 70 74 -7,2
F Construction 45 139 154 139 -0,3
Civil engineering 451, 45219, 4523, 4524 36 39 35 1,4
Construction of buildings; building installation and completion 45211, 4522, 4525, 453, 454, 455 103 114 104 -0,9
G, H Trade; hotels and restaurants 50-55 347 359 342 1,2
G Trade 50-52 270 279 268 1,0
Sale of motor vehicles 501, 503, 504 21 21 19 11,0
Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles and of personal or household goods 502, 505, 527 25 22 24 5,4
Wholesale trade and commission trade 51 88 93 87 0,6
Retail trade, excl. motor vehicles 521-526 136 142 138 -0,9
H Hotels and restaurants 55 77 81 75 2,2
I Transport, storage and communication 60-64 149 155 158 -5,6
Transport 60-63 110 115 114 -3,5
Telecommunications 64 40 41 44 -11,0
J, K Financial intermediation; real estate, renting and business activities 65-74 315 317 317 -0,5
J Financial intermediation; insurance 65-67 51 49 48 5,5
Real estate, renting and industrial cleaning 70, 71, 747 67 69 65 3,7
Technical and business activities 72, 73, 741-746, 748 197 199 203 -3,3
L-Q Public and other services 75-98 764 761 751 1,6
L Public administration and defence 75 117 117 119 -1,6
M Education 80 161 156 165 -2,6
Health activities 851, 852 171 169 164 4,5
Social work activities 853 196 199 187 4,9
Other service activities 90-98 119 122 117 1,7
X Industry unknown 99 9 12 6 .

Source: Labour force survey 2008, December. Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Kalle Sinivuori (09) 1734 3524, Juha Martikainen (09) 1734 3225, Veli Rajaniemi (09) 1734 3434,

Director in charge: Riitta Harala

Updated 20.01.2009

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Labour force survey [e-publication].
ISSN=1798-7857. December 2008, 10.1 Employees by industry (TOL 2002) 2008/IV - 2007/IV . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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