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Published: 26 November 2012

The turnover of foreign affiliates grew by 7 per cent in 2011

The total turnover of foreign affiliates located in Finland was EUR 76 billion in 2011. These enterprises employed 221,000 persons (full time equivalent, FTE). Compared with the year before, the turnover grew by around seven per cent. The number of personnel increased as well, by some three per cent from 2010. Foreign companies employ people particularly in manufacturing, wholesale and retail trade, administrative and support service activities, and information and communication activities. This is based on the most recent data released by Statistics Finland.

Share of the turnover and personnel of foreign affiliates in entrepreneurial activity in Finland in 2004–2011

Share of the turnover and personnel of foreign affiliates in entrepreneurial activity in Finland in 2004–2011

Only every one hundredth enterprise located in Finland is under foreign control. However, 15 per cent of the personnel of all enterprises in Finland are employed by these about 2,970 enterprises. The respective share of turnover is even higher, around 20 per cent.

The ultimate control of foreign affiliates is divided between approximately 50 countries. Examined by number, Swedish affiliates were the most common, around 800. U.S. and German affiliates made up the second-highest proportion, around 440 and 310, respectively.

The comparison with the entire entrepreneurial activity in Finland is based on the annual statistics on Finnish enterprises .

Source: Foreign affiliates in Finland 2011, Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Teemu Oinonen 09 1734 2634, Tero Luhtala 09 1734 3327,

Director in charge: Leena Storgårds

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Updated 26.11.2012

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Foreign affiliates in Finland [e-publication].
ISSN=2242-2552. 2011. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 16.10.2024].
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