Cost of an hour worked EUR 34.4 for an employer in 2020

Release related to topics:Work, wages and livelihoodEnterprises
release | Labour cost survey 31.12.2020


Five new database tables for the labour cost survey
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According to Statistics Finland, labour costs were, on average, EUR 34.4 per hour worked in 2020. The hourly costs were EUR 34.9 in the private sector, EUR 31.9 in the local government sector, and EUR 38.8 in the central government sector. Wage and salary costs formed, on average, 79.5 per cent, social security costs 18.4 per cent and other costs 2.1 per cent of total labour costs.

Key selections

  • An hour worked cost an average of EUR 34.4 for an employer in 2020.
  • Examined by sector, the cost of an hour worked was highest in 2020 in central government, EUR 38.8.
  • The coronavirus pandemic curbed the growth in labour costs in 2020 and changed the structure of labour costs.
  • Labour costs vary based on enterprise size.
  • The biggest labour cost item, wage and salary costs, accounted for an average of 79.5 per cent, social security costs for 18.4 per cent and other costs for 2.1 per cent of total labour costs in 2020.


Five new database tables for the labour cost survey
Read more about the change


See key statistical data in the tables.

Labour cost items share of total labour costs (%) by sector 2020

Labour cost items share of total labour costs (%) in the private sector 2020

Database tables

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New database tables
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  • Sector
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  • Industry
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Classifications used:
  • Sector
  • Labour cost item
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Classifications used:
  • Industry
  • Labour cost item
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  • Industry
  • Number of personnel
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Referencing instructions

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Labour cost survey [online publication].
Reference period: 31.12.2020. ISSN=1799-3288. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [Referenced: 16.10.2024].
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Pekka Haapala
Planning Officer
029 551 3460

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Antti Saarinen
Senior Statistician
029 551 3551
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029 551 3223

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Hannele Orjala
Head of Department in charge
029 551 3582