In 2021 wage and salary earners' accidents at work 38,1 percent occurred when the person was moving

release | Occupational accident statistics 2021


New database tables published in the occupational accident statistics.
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According to Statistics Finland in 2021, nearly four out of ten accidents leading to disability of over four days occurred when the person was moving during a specific physical activity. More than four out of ten (41.5%) of all accidents at work leading to disability of over four days involve the upper extremities and nearly every third (30.9%) accident involves injury to the lower extremities.

Key selections

  • Among women good one-third (36.6%) of accidents at work and among men every third (33.9%) accident at work were consequences of stumbling, jumping, slipping or falling in 2021.
  • Three in ten (32.1%) of the victims of accidents at work were injured as a consequence of horizontal or vertical impact with or against a stationary object in 2021.
  • In more than four out of ten accidents at work (45.1%) the injury was a dislocation, sprain or strain of a limb in 2021.


New database tables published in the occupational accident statistics.
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Database tables

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New database tables
Classifications used:
  • Sex
  • Specific Physical Activity
Reference period cycle:
Updating frequency:
Classifications used:
  • Sex
  • Contact-Mode of injury
Reference period cycle:
Updating frequency:
Classifications used:
  • Sex
  • Type of injury
Reference period cycle:
Updating frequency:
Classifications used:
  • Sex
  • Part of body injured
Reference period cycle:
Updating frequency:
Classifications used:
  • Deviation
  • Sex
Reference period cycle:
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Future releases


Description of the production, used methods and quality of the statistics.

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Referencing instructions

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Occupational accident statistics [online publication].
Reference period: 2021. ISSN=1797-9544. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [Referenced: 16.10.2024].
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Statistical experts

Inquiries primarily

Arto Miettinen
Senior Statistician
029 551 2963

Other experts

Mikko Toiviainen
Senior Statistician
029 551 3589

Head of Department in charge

Hannele Orjala
Head of Department in charge
029 551 3582