The share of remote working has fallen in 2023 from the coronavirus period but was higher than in pre-pandemic years

release | Quality of work life 31.12.2023


Quality of work life survey: New database table on employees having done remote work
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According to Statistics Finland's Quality of Work Life Survey, 35 per cent of wage and salary earners worked remotely in 2023. The share of remote working among wage and salary earners aged 18 to 67 had clearly fallen from the exceptional situation during the coronavirus period but was higher than before the pandemic in 2018. Women worked remotely more often than men in 2023.

Key selections

  • Every third wage and salary earner worked remotely in Finland in 2023.
  • In 2023, remote work was more common for women than men for the first time.
  • The share of those in remote work has decreased from the top years of the corona pandemic but has still remained higher than before the pandemic.

Women work remotely more often than men

Remote work was started to be measured in the Quality of Work Life Survey in 1997, when only a few per cent of wage and salary earners said they were working remotely. The share grew in strides especially in the 2010s, reached its peak during the corona pandemic and has fallen somewhat after that.

Thirty-seven per cent of female wage and salary earners and 33 per cent of male ones worked remotely in 2023. This is the first time in the Quality of Work Life Survey that remote work was more common among women than men. Men have conventionally worked remotely more often than women. The difference between the sexes had narrowed already in 2018, and it had reversed in 2023.

The Quality of Work Life Surveys for 1997 to 2018 were made as face-to-face interviews, but The impact of the Covid-19 crisis on work life 2021 -survey and the Quality of Work Life Survey in 2023 were carried out as web data collections. Due to the change in the data collection method, the figures for 2021 and 2023 are not fully comparable with earlier years.


Quality of work life survey: New database table on employees having done remote work
Read more about the change

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Referencing instructions

Quality of work life [online publication].
Reference period: 31.12.2023. ISSN=2342-2890. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [Referenced: 16.10.2024].
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029 551 2907

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