Difference in support for the candidates 3.2 percentage points in the second round of the Presidential election 2024

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release | Presidential elections 11.2.2024


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Alexander Stubb received most votes in the second round of the Presidential election 2024 and was elected President of the Republic of Finland. The National Coalition Party's Stubb gained 51.6 per cent and the constituency association's candidate Pekka Haavisto received 48.4 per cent of all votes cast. According to Statistics Finland, the difference between the support for the candidates in the second round was the smallest, though by a narrow margin, in the history of the direct popular election.

Key selections

  • Alexander Stubb (National Coalition Party) received the highest number of votes in the second round, 1,575,444 (51.6%).
  • Pekka Haavisto, the runner-up candidate of the constituency association gained 1,476,634 votes (48.4%).
  • Voting turnout fell clearly from the first round.

Support for the candidates

The difference in the support for the candidates was relatively small in the history of the direct popular election (3.2 percentage points) though in the 2000 elections, the difference in the candidates’ support in the second round was bigger by only 0.02 percentage points. However, there were regional differences in support for the candidates. The winner of the elections, Stubb, gained the biggest support in the constituencies of Vaasa (62.8%) and Uusimaa (54.8%). Haavisto's share of votes cast was biggest in the constituencies of Åland (58.6%) and Helsinki (57.7%).

Voting turnout fell in the second round

The voting percentage of Finnish citizens resident in Finland was 70.7 in the second round, which is 4.3 percentage points lower than in the first round. In the second round, 74.5 per cent of women and 66.7 per cent of men voted. Women's voting percentage fell by 2.8 percentage points and men's by 5.8 percentage points from the first round.

The voting percentage was highest in the constituency of Helsinki (76.6%) and lowest in the constituency of Åland (65.3%). Of municipalities, the voting percentage of those living in Mainland Finland was highest in Luoto (86.8%) and lowest in Hyrynsalmi (57.2%).

The number of invalid ballots increased clearly in the second round. A total of 20,389 votes were discarded in the second round, which is 11,294 votes more than in the first round. The most common reason for rejection was the voter's name, distinctive identification or some other inappropriate marking on the ballot paper. This was so for 54.1 per cent of the votes cast in the first round and for 63.6 per cent in the second round. In the second round, the next most common reason for rejection was an empty ballot paper, 24.3 per cent of the invalid ballots. In relative terms, the share of invalid ballots grew most in the constituencies of Häme, Satakunta and Vaasa.

Detailed election results can be found in Statistics Finland’s StatFin database service.

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                Presidential elections [online publication].
                Reference period: 11.2.2024. ISSN=2242-3699. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [Referenced: 16.10.2024].
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