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Published: 23 September 2010

Total energy consumption increased by 10 per cent in the early part of the year

According to Statistics Finland's preliminary data, total energy consumption grew by 10 per cent year-on-year in the first half of the year. Energy consumption was put up by the cold weather in the early part of the year and by the recovered industrial production. Consumption of electricity rose by eight per cent in January to June. Over 60 per cent more electricity was exported than in the previous year. Carbon dioxide emissions of energy production and use grew by nearly 20 per cent compared with one year previously. Emissions were put up by increased use of fossil fuels.

Total energy consumption, petajoule (1 petajoule = 1,000 terajoule)

Recovery of the economy visible as growth in energy consumption and emissions

In the early part of the year the demand for electricity has grown in all sectors from the corresponding period of the previous year. Growth has been strongest in manufacturing, where use of electricity increased by 12 per cent in the January to June period. In other sectors of the economy use of electricity went up in total by five per cent. The cold winter also increased the demand for heating energy in the early part of the year. Despite the growth, use of electricity is still lower than before the economic downturn.

The growing demand for electricity increased domestic production of electricity in all by 13 per cent in January to June. More electricity than before was produced for exporting to the Nordic market as well. Growth in electricity production particularly concerned condensate power, which grew by 91 per cent from the previous year. Combined heat and power production also went up by 17 per cent. The worse water situation than in the previous year during winter months decreased production of water power by eight per cent; however, the water situation improved in the second quarter of the year. Among other zero emission energy sources, nuclear power and wind power both declined by three per cent. The decrease in production of nuclear power was due to the long maintenance shutdown of one nuclear power plant.

Along with the growth in condensate production of electricity the consumption of coal grew by over 35 per cent. The consumption of peat (46 per cent) and natural gas (12 per cent) were also growing strongly. The consumption of oil went up by eight per cent from the year before. The large increase in the consumption of peat was attributable to better availability of peat than the year before. Along with the growing output of the forest industry the use of wood-based fuels increased by fifteen per cent. Growth in pulp production is particularly visible in growth in use of black liquor from forestry. The increased use of fossil fuels and peat put carbon dioxide emissions up considerably in the energy sector, by nearly 20 per cent.

Changes in GDP, final energy consumption and electricity consumption in 1995-, %

12-month moving total

Finland was net seller on the Nordic electricity market

Doubling of electricity exports to the Nordic countries turned net imports of electricity down by 23 per cent in the early part of the year. Throughout the first half of the year, Finland has been a net seller on the Nordic electricity market and exports have been record high in spring, from March to April. The poor water situation in the early part of the year and growth in industrial production raised the demand in other Nordic countries as well, particularly in Norway. Electricity imports from Russia to Finland decreased slightly in the first half of the year. In the early part of the year, the volume of electricity imported from Russia covered over 13 per cent of total electricity consumption. Imports of electricity from Estonia to Finland have been around 200 GWh per month, which stands for 16 per cent of electricity imports. Exports of electricity to Estonia have now started as well. Estonia joined the Nordic electricity market in April this year, when the Nordic electricity exchange Nord Pool Spot opened the Estlink price area.

Fuel prices on the rise

Over the first two quarters of the year the prices of fuels have been rising. The recovery of the economy has raised the demand for liquid fuels. The utilisation rates of refineries have been nearly at the 90 per cent level throughout the year. The price of motor gasoline has come close to the top prices of 2008. The price of light fuel oil rose by nearly 30 per cent. The price of diesel oil grew by over 13 per cent from December 2009. Over the same time period the price of natural gas went up by over 10 per cent. The cold winter, the poor water situation in the Nordic countries and growth in demand raised the market price of electricity strongly in the early part of the year. The area price for Finland has halved from the top winter and spring figures, but it is significantly higher than in the corresponding period last year.

Sources: Energy supply, consumption and prices 2010, 2nd quarter. Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Pentti Wanhatalo +358 9 1734 2685,

Director in charge: Leena Storgårds


Appendix tables


Last updated 23.9.2010

Referencing instructions:

Statistics: Energian hankinta, kulutus ja hinnat [e-publication].
ISSN=1798-3363. 2. vuosineljännes 2010. Helsinki: Tilastokeskus [referred: 16.10.2024].
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