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Published: 12 January 2021

Current account in deficit in November, net capital inflow to Finland

The current account was in deficit in November. The value of exports of goods in balance of payments terms decreased by 6 per cent from twelve months back. Net capital inflow to Finland from abroad. The data appear from Statistics Finland's statistics on balance of payments and international investment position.

Current account and goods and services account

Current account and goods and services account

Current account

The current account was EUR 0.1 billion in deficit in November. The 12-month moving total of the current account was EUR 0.2 billion in surplus.

Of the sub-items of the current account, the goods account in balance of payment terms was EUR 0.3 billion in surplus. The value of goods exports in balance of payments terms declined by 6 per cent year-on-year and totalled EUR 5.0 billion. The value of goods imports in balance of payments terms declined by 7 per cent year-on-year and totalled EUR 4.7 billion. The service account was EUR 0.3 billion in deficit.

The primary income account was EUR 0.1 billion in surplus. The primary income account includes investment income like interests and dividends. The secondary income account was EUR 0.2 billion in deficit.

Current account and goods and services account, 12 –month moving total

Current account and goods and services account, 12 –month moving total

Financial account

In November, net capital inflow to Finland amounted to EUR 0.4 billion. Of the sub-items of the financial account, net capital inflow was mostly in the form of portfolio investments, amounting to EUR 3.1 billion whereas net capital outflow was mainly in the form of other investments, amounting to EUR 2.5 billion.

Source: Balance of payments and international investment position, Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Hanna Björklund 029 551 3296, Risto Sippola 029 551 3383,

Head of Department in charge: Katri Kaaja

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Updated 12.01.2021

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Balance of payments and international investment position [e-publication].
ISSN=2342-348X. November 2020. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 17.10.2024].
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