
Statistics related to topics:Work, wages and livelihoodPopulation and society
Employment statistics produce regional data on the population's activity and employment. The statistics are compiled by combining various register data. The data are published once a year.
Key figures
Detailed tables of the statistics are available in the StatFin database
You can find updated tables in the StatFin database. Extract the data you need into tables, view the data as charts or download the data for your use.
The archive contains the database tables that we no longer update.
Future releases
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See key statistical data in the figures.
Population by main type of activity by municipality in 1987 to 2023
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Employed persons by industry (TOL 2008), sex and age group in 2023
Employed persons by occupational group (Classification of Occupations 2010) and background country in 2022
Employed labour force by level of education, by municipality 1987-2023
Economic dependency ratio by area 1987-2023
Employment rate of persons aged 18 to 64 by area in 1987 to 2023
Unemployment rate of persons aged 18 to 64 by area in 1987 to 2023
Employed labour force in area (workplaces) by employer sector and municipality 2022-2023
Information elsewhere
Description of the production, used methods and quality of the statistics.
Go to documentation of the statisticsReferencing instructions
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Employment [online publication].
ISSN=2323-6825. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [Referenced: 9.3.2025].
Access method:
Statistical experts
Inquiries primarily
Service e-mail
tyossakaynti@stat.fiOther experts
Jukka Tapio
Senior Statistician
029 551 3429
Mikko Toiviainen
Senior Statistician
029 551 3589