Income distribution statistics

Statistics related to topics:Population and societyWork, wages and livelihood
Income distribution statistics describe distribution of households' annual income, income differentials and low income between population groups. Statistics describe disposable income and its formation taking into account taxation and income transfers. Data are published once a year.
Database tables of the statistics on income distribution statistics corrected.
Read more about the correctionChange
In the database, the content of classification data has been changed. Table 12g1 is archived and replaced by Table 152w.
Read more about the changeDetailed tables of the statistics are available in the StatFin database
You can find updated tables in the StatFin database. Extract the data you need into tables, view the data as charts or download the data for your use.
The archive contains the database tables that we no longer update.
Future releases
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See key statistical data in the figures.
Disposable cash income per consumption unit, mean in [FIRST to 2023
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Median for household-dwelling units' disposable monetary income per consumption unit by municipality in 1995 to 2023
Personal disposable cash income by age and sex 2023
Median. personal disposable monetary income (no division of household income components) 1995-2023
Share of persons burdened by housing costs by the household's life cycle in 2023
Annual change in average real income by income decile in 2023
Development of income inequality 1986-2023, Gini coefficient
Real income level by income decile for 2018, 2021 and 2022
Description of the production, used methods and quality of the statistics.
Go to documentation of the statisticsReferencing instructions
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Income distribution statistics [online publication].
ISSN=1799-1331. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [Referenced: 9.3.2025].
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